+++ Proud to be a member of the Datacolor family +++ TECHKON ColorCatcher turns smartphones into color capturing devices +++ We are hiring: technicians & engineers

We are happy to announce that Datacolor, a global leader in color management solutions, has acquired our company. Together, we will accelerate the development of next-generation color management solutions and support you by solving increasingly complex task to communicate and control color quality. Joining forces strengthens our commitment towards you to Get Color Right.


TECHKON will present its innovative product portfolio for the printing and packaging industry at the Drupa in Düsseldorf from May 28 until June 7, 2024. Do not miss the opportunity to have a look at the new features of the TECHKON SpectroDens and new software versions of SpectroConnect, ExPresso and ChromaQA. We look forward to your visit at stand 9A03.


On February 21st and 22nd, 2024, TECHKON presents its product portfolio for the printing and packaging industry at the Fogra Color Management Symposium in Munich. We demonstrate the latest measurement technology, such as the SpectroDens spectral densitometer and the Chroma QA software. We look forward to your visit and interesting discussions.


The popular SpectroDrive scan measuring device, which many printing machine manufacturers use as the best solution for quick measuring tasks, now has a high-resolution color sensor. The higher resolution allows an increased evaluation quality, especially for difficult colors with steep slopes in the reflectance curve, as usual in packaging printing.


TECHKON will present its complete product portfolio for the printing and packaging industry at the Fogra Colormanagement Symposium in Munich from July 6. - 7. In addition to the Chroma QA and SpectroConnect software solutions for quality assurance, you will find the latest measurement technology, in particular the Spectro-Densitometer SpectroDens with many new functions. We look forward to your visit and a lively exchange on the subject of color and quality.

Our core belief: Erfolg ist messbar<br>[= success can be measured]

40 years of experience in the development and manufacture of high quality measuring instruments have made us a competent partner and leading solution provider for color measurement.

We are an innovative company. Values such as reliability and long-term orientation are reflected in our corporate culture and our services. 

We are your partner for print quality

The key to good printing is quality assurance. Checking and measuring each and every process step from pre-press to the final print product will lead to success. This philosophy expresses well in our slogan Erfolg ist messbar [ɛɐ̯ˈfɔlk ɪst mɛsba:r] which can be translated as “success can be measured”. 
Thanks to their exceptional user-friendliness, high measuring accuracy and reliability, TECHKON measuring devices are prominently represented in all areas of the printing industry. And TECHKON is more than a developer and manufacturer of high quality measuring instruments and software solutions: The team of qualified application consultants supports you individually in selecting the right product. We also offer seminars on current topics of measurement technology and quality assurance.

We measure color and more ...

The InnovationLab transfers TECHKONs expertise in measurement technology to new markets and applications.
One core area is to provide solutions for exact color capturing and communication for mobile devices. The ColorCatcher product is one successful example for these activities; positioning TECHKON as a leading innovator for mobile color and image analysis solutions.


Color measurements worldwide